Monday, October 25, 2010

Location... SET

Before TJ and I even got engaged we talked about how we both want to go away to get married. Sharing this I thought would make picking a location easier on us. However that wasn't the case at all. Once we got engaged we started talking more about where we were going to go to get married. I always wanted to get married on the beach somewhere, after going to Hawaii to stand in my Best Friends wedding made me want that even more. TJ said that he wanted to be married at Lambeau Field (not a biased pick at all :) So of course we started looking at locations that we both had in mind. My love for Marilyn Monroe led me to Coronado Island, located right outside San Diego. But of course after looking into it the price at that location was out of our range. After talking about it and sharing how much this wedding is going to mean to us we started thinking about "Our Future". Something that we both wanted was to be able to visit that location often and even share that location with family and future family members. Given that TJ and his family have a cabin in Minnesota brought a great idea to the table. Just 45 minutes away from the cabin is, Itasca State Park. Once we thought of this the planning started to fall into place. Itasca is only an 8 hour drive, given that alot of our family and friends live around here made this location even more real. TJ's family takes a trip up there every year, and asking our guests to make an 8 hour road trip is a little more affordable for all. This is a place that TJ and I are able to visit yearly and even take our future family to visit and share what we did one day. I wanted to share a few photos with everyone and will up date you more on what to expect of Itasca State Park.


  1. It is going to be perfect! Such a unique idea and I love that you are already thinking about going back with the little ones one day. Super cute.

  2. Itasca shares a piece of all the Mackland grandkids hearts. We've all gone there multiple times, riding rented bikes in the park, walking across the Mississippi, stopping at Deer Park on the way there along with World of Christmas and the water rides they have, along with other fun places like the logging camp! I know TJ has a special fondness for the cabin life and this is a perfect way to start your new life! I can't wait!
