Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Center Pieces

Since TJ and I are 100% set on going away for a wedding, I wanted to make it easy on us with decorations. Something that I have been looking at is center pieces for the tables at the reception. I was again thinking simple, easy and affordable. Keep in mind the colors on the sample picture are not our colors but I really like this idea. What do you think?

Show me your centerpiece!!!! :  wedding 3801 3
2... less-expensive-wedding-decorations2



  1. Love them but most of the time its easiest just to go with what the reception hall offers being that you are from out of town. I went back and forth with this a lot because I wanted to have my favorite kind of fresh flowers but at the end of the day it was another (big) expense that didnt matter. You dont remember our centerpieces, I bet do you? Point proven :)

  2. i remeber ellen and reeder's center pieces... sometimes they are remembered but i understand it just being another expense and stuff to deal with. i still feel a wedding is your guys' day and if it would make you happier i will do what i can to help you get your center pieces. i like the ideas... the table runner one is cool and unique and you could do fake flowers if you didn't want them to wilt and could reuse them

  3. I like the third option the best!!
