Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Center Pieces

Since TJ and I are 100% set on going away for a wedding, I wanted to make it easy on us with decorations. Something that I have been looking at is center pieces for the tables at the reception. I was again thinking simple, easy and affordable. Keep in mind the colors on the sample picture are not our colors but I really like this idea. What do you think?

Show me your centerpiece!!!! :  wedding 3801 3
2... less-expensive-wedding-decorations2


Monday, September 27, 2010

Bring on the Planning in COLORS

Now that we have been engaged for a few weeks I feel like I can breathe a little. A lot of things have to be put into place when planning a wedding. Location, date, time, colors, dresses, decorations, who’s in the wedding, and the reception. I still haven’t found the answers to all those questions but something that we had come to an agreement on is our wedding colors. Since my Fiancé has a "SICK" obsession with the Green Bay Packers, and a "STRONG" hate towards the Vikings, I never knew that he would be biased in his color choices. I was told NO purple, no purple because we want to get married in Minnesota and that would just look too much like the ENEMY. So I said ok I will not pick purple to be in our wedding but he can’t pick green or gold. After a battle back and forth on the colors we finally came up with an idea of the colors we want to have in our wedding. What do you think of Pink, Blue and Black?


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Learning to Give

Tj and I are very different when it comes to watching TV. There are some shows that we enjoy together like Pawn Stars, The Office, Community (give it a try), Parks and Rec and football. To bad those shows didn’t air everyday then watching TV together wouldn’t be a pain. I love watching reality TV and drama shows, Real housewives, Teen Mom (don’t judge), Real World, 90210, Gossip Girl and the bachelor/bachelorette. Tj on the other hand watches SPORTS!! I'm sure most of you can relate now that it is football session. Over the past few months, TJ and I have been giving a little more. You watch an hour of RHONJ I will watch ESPN for an hour; seems to work well for us. Something that has helped me get into football with him is playing fantasy football. I have learned a lot about it, helps us out by getting together on a Sunday, since that is the only thing on TV during the day at our house. But don’t just think that I give into him, little does anyone know that he actually gets into my shows with me :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Implementing the term "Fiancé"

An engagement is a promise to marry, and also the period of time between proposal and marriage something that everyone knows about. Getting engaged not only means planning a wedding, wearing the ring and preparing to spend the rest of your lives together but it also brings that awkward new title to the table "Fiancé". At first it was really hard to remember to call each other my fiancé, lets face it the word it weird. After saying it a few times I felt like I gained 10 years. Every once in a while we would slip up and call each other boyfriend or girlfriend, not thinking that it was a big deal, but getting engaged makes that a big deal. After a very lazy day together and having fun with each other and the word "Fiancé", we have adapted a new way of saying it. Whether I am calling for my Fiancé directly or speaking to someone about him I tend to use a French accent when saying Fiancé, it adds some fun to it and makes it easier to say. The way that we say it with a little French accent is "fee-ahn-SAY."

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Our Story"

Something that we all do and don’t even know that we do is ask the newly engaged couple, "How, did it happen?" I am going to share with all of you how TJ asked me to marry him. TJ and I have been together now for 2 years. On September 12th, was our 2 year anniversary. TJ's nephew got baptized on Sunday which filled our day with plans. Thinking ahead, TJ and I had planned to spend Friday together since I have Fridays off :) We had made plans to go to the Zoo in the morning and then go to lunch at Blue, what a perfect day we had planned. Then life hits you with one of its great surprises, our 6 month old English bulldog Elwood, wasn’t feeling to well. I picked up on him not being himself so I was spending my "Getting Ready" time watching Elwood, while TJ was getting ready for the day we had planned. A few times TJ had told me to go get in the shower and start getting ready. I started to get ready only to find myself back by his side, we then tried to call the vet at 8:00, only to get turned down for a that day appointment, TJ came back in the room and was irritated that I haven’t moved, worried about Elwood’s condition and a little antsy (only to find out why later). I then started to tell him that I was really worried, Elwood never turns down food, never pees on him self while he is laying in bed and never cries when he has to get up. All of this leads me to have a break down in the living room. At this point TJ is worried with me about the dog, We then both tried to get him up to take him out to go potty.He let out a loud cry, which led me to tears. I then told TJ that I wasn’t going to do anything, I wanted to stay home and watch the dog. He then tried to comfort me and asked what he could do to make me feel better, that’s when I let out the truth "get him into the vet". I then sat back down with him while TJ called the vet; finally, we got him in. We then had an hour from the time we called to the time his appointment was. At this time it is now 12:00, we were suppose to be at the zoo by 9:00 and lunch to follow. Our lunch date to Blue turned into Jimmy Johns in our living room. After we finished up with lunch it was then time to load up Elwood and head to the vet. After arriving they knew that he was in pain, we took him straight into the room and waited. Keep in mind this was a squeezed in appointment, which meant we were going to have to wait. After 2 hours at the vet we finally got the answer we needed all morning, he really was sick, fever of 104 degrees and high white blood cell count. Only $256.00 dollars and 4 medications later we were out and on our way home. In the truck TJ asked me what I wanted to do, and said we still had time to go to the zoo. The only thing I wanted to do was go HOME! Once we got home I got the dogs taken care of, Elwood cant move on his own so we had to set up the living room to hang out in all evening that way we could be right with him. Finally, its time for me to breath, at this time TJ had asked me to come into the living room, when I got in there he grabbed my arm pulled me close to him and gave me a hug, we both started laughing about our day and how everything we had planned to do NEVER got done. He then told me how he was so glad that I was with him and that I mean the world to him and how lucky he is to have me in his life, (dropping down to his knees), I started to cry, I knew what this was and I knew what was next. I started to shake, and looked into his eyes at which I gave him the answer he was waiting for.... "YES" After all was said and done, we then sat on the couch and he told me what he had "Planned". All in all I love how he handled himself given his entire plan for the day was blowing up in his face. The most important thing to me was that he did it at home with our dogs! I wouldn’t of wanted this to happen any other way!

Intro to my blog

Getting engaged is something that everyone looks forward too. You dream of the day, what you will be wearing, where it will happen at what the ring is going to look like and so on. You always think that you are going to know when it’s coming and how you are going to react. Now back to reality, its life and life loves to surprise you with things that aren’t expected. Needless to say most of you already know, but for those who don’t I HATE surprises. I like to sneak and peak at my presents before I receive them, I like to read the end of the book before I start reading it to see if I'm going to like it, I try to find the spoilers to shows so I know how it’s going to end. I like to prepare myself for what is coming. This is something about me that I can’t help and something that my "Fiancé" takes advantage of :)