Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Learning to Give

Tj and I are very different when it comes to watching TV. There are some shows that we enjoy together like Pawn Stars, The Office, Community (give it a try), Parks and Rec and football. To bad those shows didn’t air everyday then watching TV together wouldn’t be a pain. I love watching reality TV and drama shows, Real housewives, Teen Mom (don’t judge), Real World, 90210, Gossip Girl and the bachelor/bachelorette. Tj on the other hand watches SPORTS!! I'm sure most of you can relate now that it is football session. Over the past few months, TJ and I have been giving a little more. You watch an hour of RHONJ I will watch ESPN for an hour; seems to work well for us. Something that has helped me get into football with him is playing fantasy football. I have learned a lot about it, helps us out by getting together on a Sunday, since that is the only thing on TV during the day at our house. But don’t just think that I give into him, little does anyone know that he actually gets into my shows with me :)

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