Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Intro to my blog

Getting engaged is something that everyone looks forward too. You dream of the day, what you will be wearing, where it will happen at what the ring is going to look like and so on. You always think that you are going to know when it’s coming and how you are going to react. Now back to reality, its life and life loves to surprise you with things that aren’t expected. Needless to say most of you already know, but for those who don’t I HATE surprises. I like to sneak and peak at my presents before I receive them, I like to read the end of the book before I start reading it to see if I'm going to like it, I try to find the spoilers to shows so I know how it’s going to end. I like to prepare myself for what is coming. This is something about me that I can’t help and something that my "FiancĂ©" takes advantage of :)

1 comment:

  1. Cant wait to read all about all of the ups and downs that come with being engaged for almost TWO YEARS, the insanity! ;)
