Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Put yourself in someone elses shoes

Deciding to have an outdoors wedding means you have to do things a little differently from the traditional inside wedding. I have been to a few outdoors weddings, of course each one different in their own unique way and noticed how some weddings have you dressed for the wedding, meaning wearing heels standing on grass or some fit to comfort and chose flats, or wedges. For me, I cant decide if I want to do heels or flats. The wedding will be outside and the ground may be sturdy or may sink through. I don't want my bridesmaids to be uncomfortable to whole time, or have someone ruin a pair of shoes, that is why I will "put myself in their shoes". I have an idea of what I want, so after I speak to the ladies I will up date my blog with the final decision.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Dresses for my Ladies

Since I was a little girl I have always dreamed of that perfect wedding, now that I am planning my wedding I realized there is a lot to do and getting it to perfect may take a lot of work. One area I am very settle with is the bridesmaid dresses, I want my girls to be able to afford what they wear, and be able to wear it again, I would hate to see their dresses not be used again. I have lots of ideas to what I want but finding it is going to take some time. I am going for a simple black dress, knee length or a little higher with a pink silk ribbon around the high waist. I have also thought about doing multi colored, but I think I need to pick out who is in my wedding and how many I am having first. Here is a look at what I am thinking about for dress ideas:

What do you think about my idea for bridesmaid dresses??

Save the date

I know it has been a while now since I have last posted, Sorry about that. TJ and I wanted time to relax and enjoy the engagement with out any planning, talking or arrangement setting. Over the holiday we engaged in lots of wedding talk, not only with each other but also with our families. Since we are going away to get married we thought  having a Wedding in 2012 was perfect timing for everyone to save and take time off. Then the hard part, picking the day, we have thought about this up and down and just never really set anything in stone, and having it in 2012 why should we. Well, since 2011 is just a few days away we thought now would be the perfect time to set that date in stone. We would love to have you all help us celebrate our day on June 9th, 2012 in Minnesota. We will be celebrating our Wedding together with close family and friends in the beautiful state of Minnesota at the State Park. We will have a lot of things to do prior to the wedding along with a reception that follows. For those who would like to join us but cant make the trip we will be having a reception back home, which will take place on June 23, 2012. I will keep you all updated for more details, I am looking forward to the wedding planning!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Location... SET

Before TJ and I even got engaged we talked about how we both want to go away to get married. Sharing this I thought would make picking a location easier on us. However that wasn't the case at all. Once we got engaged we started talking more about where we were going to go to get married. I always wanted to get married on the beach somewhere, after going to Hawaii to stand in my Best Friends wedding made me want that even more. TJ said that he wanted to be married at Lambeau Field (not a biased pick at all :) So of course we started looking at locations that we both had in mind. My love for Marilyn Monroe led me to Coronado Island, located right outside San Diego. But of course after looking into it the price at that location was out of our range. After talking about it and sharing how much this wedding is going to mean to us we started thinking about "Our Future". Something that we both wanted was to be able to visit that location often and even share that location with family and future family members. Given that TJ and his family have a cabin in Minnesota brought a great idea to the table. Just 45 minutes away from the cabin is, Itasca State Park. Once we thought of this the planning started to fall into place. Itasca is only an 8 hour drive, given that alot of our family and friends live around here made this location even more real. TJ's family takes a trip up there every year, and asking our guests to make an 8 hour road trip is a little more affordable for all. This is a place that TJ and I are able to visit yearly and even take our future family to visit and share what we did one day. I wanted to share a few photos with everyone and will up date you more on what to expect of Itasca State Park.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Center Pieces

Since TJ and I are 100% set on going away for a wedding, I wanted to make it easy on us with decorations. Something that I have been looking at is center pieces for the tables at the reception. I was again thinking simple, easy and affordable. Keep in mind the colors on the sample picture are not our colors but I really like this idea. What do you think?

Show me your centerpiece!!!! :  wedding 3801 3
2... less-expensive-wedding-decorations2


Monday, September 27, 2010

Bring on the Planning in COLORS

Now that we have been engaged for a few weeks I feel like I can breathe a little. A lot of things have to be put into place when planning a wedding. Location, date, time, colors, dresses, decorations, who’s in the wedding, and the reception. I still haven’t found the answers to all those questions but something that we had come to an agreement on is our wedding colors. Since my FiancĂ© has a "SICK" obsession with the Green Bay Packers, and a "STRONG" hate towards the Vikings, I never knew that he would be biased in his color choices. I was told NO purple, no purple because we want to get married in Minnesota and that would just look too much like the ENEMY. So I said ok I will not pick purple to be in our wedding but he can’t pick green or gold. After a battle back and forth on the colors we finally came up with an idea of the colors we want to have in our wedding. What do you think of Pink, Blue and Black?


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Learning to Give

Tj and I are very different when it comes to watching TV. There are some shows that we enjoy together like Pawn Stars, The Office, Community (give it a try), Parks and Rec and football. To bad those shows didn’t air everyday then watching TV together wouldn’t be a pain. I love watching reality TV and drama shows, Real housewives, Teen Mom (don’t judge), Real World, 90210, Gossip Girl and the bachelor/bachelorette. Tj on the other hand watches SPORTS!! I'm sure most of you can relate now that it is football session. Over the past few months, TJ and I have been giving a little more. You watch an hour of RHONJ I will watch ESPN for an hour; seems to work well for us. Something that has helped me get into football with him is playing fantasy football. I have learned a lot about it, helps us out by getting together on a Sunday, since that is the only thing on TV during the day at our house. But don’t just think that I give into him, little does anyone know that he actually gets into my shows with me :)